About Lorri Craig

Lorri 2024 Hi. My name is Lorri Craig. I am an Australian trained Psychologist, now living and registered in the UK. My  practice is in Brighton and Hove. I also see clients from across the planet by Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp, or Skype.

I have worked therapeutically for many decades with literally thousands of individual adults, teenagers and children, as well as parents, families and couples. I have successfully worked with people across all age groups, from 2 years to 82 years, presenting with a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, eating problems, behaviour problems, and trauma. I have worked in a range of clinical settings, including various Universities and Colleges, The Family Court of Australia, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services, and Private Psychology Practices.

I am particularly interested in short-term interventions that have a significant positive impact on people’s psychological well-being. Basically, I want everyone to feel happier, calmer and clearer, get along better, and have more fun, without taking years of therapy and cash to get there.

Please drop me an email , text , WhatsApp, or phone me on +44 [0]7456660227 if you would like to make an appointment, or discuss whether I might be able to help.

Warm wishes

Lorri Craig


                 Flat 4, 56 Norton Road, Hove, BN3 3BH             

      PHONE +44 [0] 745 6660227