Online Therapy by Skype Video Chat

When I first thought of working with clients by Skype many years ago, I hesitated. I did not truly  believe that I could be an effective psychological therapist without being able to ‘feel’ the client in the room. Especially given that I did so much Advanced Integrative Therapy [AIT]. I had worked with people quite […]

Beat Technology Addiction: Develop Your Inner Parent

If you are reading this, then there is a good chance that you spend a fair bit of time on the internet; perhaps a bit too much time? Time has become one of our most precious personal resources. It’s up there with health, love, intelligence, and beauty, and at least on par with money and […]

On Off Relationships

On-again-off-again, push-pull, hot-cold, Yo-yo relationships can be incredibly painful and confusing. I think most people have either experienced this kind of relationship directly, or else know someone who has, so we all know how soul destroying they can be. But why can they be so difficult to let go of? From the Beginning The hot-cold […]

Migrants: The Psychological Impact of Immigration

Migrating to a new country can be a highly stressful experience for individuals and families, and can trigger mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression.Psychologist, Lorri Craig, highlights some of the difficulties facing immigrants, and explores ways to reduce migrant stress.

How to Create an Awesome Relationship

Do you long to return to the honeymoon phase of your relationship? Have you and your partner drifted into an unsatisfying union? Do your interactions frequently turn into arguments? Have you even started to consider separation? Imagine if you were able to turn your relationship around to create the happy, long lasting and loving relationship […]